Ecuador recap This was a pioneering trip meaning: we knew no one. The purpose of this trip was for us to learn how to lead a global outreach trip. So each day one of us in training would plan and lead the whole day. Seven of us and only one spoke Spanish. All of the 23 days looked super different. Some of the days looked like prayer walking around the city. It was wild to see the Lord move on these walks. One of our walks we were praying for a park and met all these kids and played soccer with them. On another walk I was able to meet Blanca. She owns a small store. I was able to pray with and build a friendship with her. Mainly through writing letters in Spanish. It was the sweetest connection. I had a friend back home connect me with my sweet new friend Ma, who is a forever friend. We found an English-speaking church in Quito that connected us to so many great ministries. Literally, on our flight from Quito to Guayaquil the guy sitting next to me was a pastor who travels the world sharing the gospel. He ended up buying our whole team lunch and giving us more connections. Someone connected us with an organization called Mision Alianza, here we met Karoline.

As a child she was sponsored through Mision Alianza and now she is committed to changing lives The organization is in a poverty stricken a part of Guayaquil called Monte Saini. This part of the trip really shook me to my core From my journal on that experience You’re in a car. For miles and miles all you can see are hundreds of thousands of makeshift homes…. You’re traveling on a dirt road. Street dogs are running around. Traffic is thick and the drive feels like it’s taking forever. There’s a sense of despair looming over these streets. A sort of sadness you’ve never seen before. Then you see it. Your destination. You drive through the gate and the atmosphere shifts. Little girls are running around in their ballet outfits. You open the door of the car only to hear the sound of children laughing and a band of children playing their instruments. It’s an oasis of hope in a land of despair. Growing up my family has always sponsored children through organizations like compassion international and Samaritans purse.

We were able to visit an organization similar to those. Here, they offer youth a safe space through sports, music, and dance. The day of us going to visit this organization the Lord put on my heart the dream to meet a child in Ecuador and sponsor them…. To Invest in them and their future. We got to tour the facility’s and play games with the kids. It was one of the best days of my life. As we were leaving the coach of the basketball team presented these two girls who are talented athletes and needed people to support them. It was the most beautiful moment because I dreamed of one girl to support and Jesus gave me two. I’m Also a firm believer in sports/fitness having the impact to profoundly impact young women. It was such a God moment of the Lord showing up and making a dream a reality. He puts dreams and desires in our hearts. And he is faithful to Bring them to fruition. In bigger ways than we could ever imagine. Dream bigger dreams with him, and expect to see him show up in ways you never thought possible. Karoline ended up connecting us with so many people.

Her mom serves with a group that puts on a Sunday school class in a rural area. Our team got to help out one Sunday. We walked from house to house picking up the kids from their homes to come to church. It began with Sunday school then the kids could either do arts and crafts or play soccer. It was such a beautiful thing to be part of. To see these men and women serving this community. They were not well off by any means. But, they were here pouring out their heart and soul to make a difference in the lives of these children. That will never leave me. We took this trip, not having any connections. And all we found were connections. It is the most beautiful thing to see connection despite a language barrier. In this time, I was able to see the Lord move in the most profound ways. He truly is the God who sees, the God who protects, and the God who provides. Ecuador has my heart and I will be back.

About Author

• In love with Jesus • Health and wellness • Barista • Traveler • Lover of life • Foodie • In a relationship with the gym •

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