Chunky Coconut Granola
Super crunchy granola with walnuts, pecans, oats, and coconut! So simple and it only used natural sweeteners! Great on top of smoothie bowls, for breakfast, or just as a snack!
Servings Prep Time
131/2 10
Cook Time Passive Time
25 35
Servings Prep Time
131/2 10
Cook Time Passive Time
25 35
  1. Preheat the oven to 325. Line a baking pan with parchment paper.
  2. In a mixing bowl add oats, coconut, pecans, coconut sugar, cinnamon, ginger, chai seeds, and salt. Stir to combine.
  3. In a saucepan combine maple syrup and coconut oil. Whisk frequently until melted. Until they are combined and not separated. Add the vanilla and whisk again. (If you are in a pinch for time you can melt them in the microwave. In a microwave safe dish. Stir vigorously to combine).
  4. Immediately pour over the dry ingredients stir until the oats and nuts are throughly coated. Once coated, spread the mixture evenly on the lined sheet pan.
  5. If you want the granola chunky, resist the urge to stir during the baking process and right after. This will help create those chunks!
  6. Bake for 20 minutes. Then turn the pan and let bake for the remaining 5-7 minutes. Watch the granola closely because it burns very easily. It will be golden brown and fragrant when done! I like to set my initial timer for 10 minutes just to check on the granola mid way!
  7. Before eating, let cool completely. Add dried fruit and break into clumps.
  8. Keep in a air tight container or sealed bag for up to 2 weeks. It will last in the freezer for about a month.
Recipe Notes

This is a modified version of this recipe.  The estimated nutritional information can be found on that website!